Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saguaro Cacti Cactus Seedlings

Green Cactus Saguaro Seedlings
However microscopic a Saguaro seedling may appear, its rootage is smaller. And however microscopic
Propagated from Saguaro Seeds
its root system may appear, the water droplets these fibrous roots drink, are smaller. A Saguaro's tap root, taps into the driest desert soil and pulls into itself the tiniest of water molecules, like a vacuum. This phenomenon has been measured at up to .014715 gigapascal(or 147.15Bar, pressure-measurement out of book 'Cactus' by Elisabeth Manke).

In one of the cityscapes in the Arizona desert, I visited, The Garden Shop located in the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. I purchased a packet of 'Giant Saguaro Seeds'. Per the information sheet found inside the seed pack I learned that these saguaro cacti seeds were collected in the shadow of the Superstition Mountains in central Arizona. They were carefully prepared and packaged by Arizonans. The information detailed on this sheet was produced by Desert Gatherings. They too make it possible for any person from any part of the world to order Saguaro Cactus seeds.

Most outside of the desert do not know that 380 saguaro cacti seeds can out weigh an aspirin (bolded excerpt out of- Arizona Highway Book, 'All About Saguaros' text by Carl Hodge).                 An aspirin
1/2 inch Young Saguaro Giant
tablet weighing 390mg weighs the same as 300 saguaro cacti cactus seeds. In desert standards these seeds are almost invisible but one out of 500,000 of these almost invisible seeds will become a Giant Saguaro Cacti Cactus, which is not bad in desert standards.

I gave to myself the exhilarating task of placing builder's sand into a white polystyrene cup and on top of the rough sand, I poured purified water. link to how to 'grow cactus from seed'I watched the water drain into the crevices of the sand and finally, I planted 50 saguaro cactus seeds onto the wet sand. I then sealed the top of the cup with a thin, clear plastic sheet and elastic band. Within four days later the Saguaro Cactus seeds germinated and two weeks later their spines sprouted. It should be noted that my Saguaro seedlings do not come from the wild as they are propagated from seed.

When one of these young Saguaro Giants grow at least four inches tall I may pursue the option to have it planted in the desert in an effort to help repopulate their numbers in the wild of the desert.
Cactus Saguaro Seedling

Even as I continued with the weekly waterings, the Carnegiea gigantia seedlings would not grow any taller. During their 1st year of life, they stayed about the size of a thumbnail. By year 2 1/2, more spines sprouted and grew further downward on the thickening stems.

Time slowed for the Saguaro cacti cactus living closely together. Their quick growing spurt stopped yet their stems and spines eventually intersected with one another until the gravely sand below them was obscured. Their careful tangle of long stringy roots laid beneath. I gently pulled each away for replanting.  Would you like to care for a home-grown Saguaro Seedling? Follow me through the desert and learn how.